
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tickets are SOLD OUT

Thank you for your wonderful support of the Friends of Ricks Fundraiser. As of today, tickets to the event are sold out, we have reached the allowed room capacity and therefore must suspend ticket sales at this time. No tickets will be available for purchase the night of the auction. For those of you who haven't purchased tickets, but still want to contribute to the event, we are still accepting donations to help get Rick some wheels. Donations can be sent to Pris Kloess or Karen Schneider.

Tomorrow is the last day to get your auction items in, so wrap up those loose ends and get the items to us. All items must be "display ready" as we are closing in on the final stretch.

Thank you again for your support of Rick and Robin and for making this event a sell out!


  1. Hi Guys....
    Please know, Keith and I will be with you in spirit, wishing you just the best time ever!!
    Hugz, Susie

  2. Rick and Robin -- Anything, anything we can do to help in addition to a donation, let us know. I'll try to crash the auction Sunday... Bob & Gretchen Shepherd
    Facebook: Robert-Gretchen Shepherd
