
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Welcome to Rick's Recovery Blog

You have probably been directed here because you heard about Rick's accident. On Thursday, July 1 Rick was playing catcher on his Thursday night Baseball League when he was injured in a impact at home plate. He was immediately stabilized and transported to Harborview, where he was diagnosed with a fracture of his spinal cord at cervical vertebra (C6). He had surgery on Friday and his spine was fused from C1-T1. He was on a ventilator for a few days and now is breathing on his own. We are all hoping that once the swelling disappears, Rick will regain feeling in his arms and legs... but it is a day by day advancement. Rick spent the last seven days in the Neuro ICU at Harborview. What a fabulous resource in our community. We are all so lucky to have this facility in our home town. Robin has been very happy with the great care Rick is receiving. The constant has been his wife, Robin by his side and his sons ready to fill in as needed.
So the goal of this blog is to keep you updated and let you know how you can support this family. Robin will post as she can, and friends will fill in with updates on how you can support Rick's recovery and keep life's activities functioning.
We send Rick and Robin all our prayers of strength and determination to get through this experience with the support of all their family and friends by their side. Together we can make MIRACLES happen!


  1. Thank you Carrie for getting this message board up and running. Hopefully this will help Rick/Robin/and the boys to communicate any needs we can all help with.

  2. Rick and Robin....don't have your e-mail and hope this is the best way to reach you. Loren called us today and gave us the news. Obviously our thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with this challenge. Know the Teals are are a very tough bunch and you will persevere. Hope your spirits stay high and patience prevails. Some roads are longer than others, but hopefully you will find only the best on this difficult journey dealing with this alarming turn of events.


    Bob and Pam Wilde
